
Practical, popular, customised presentations, workshops and masterclasses on community planning delivered until 2020.

Community Planning Overview Seminar

Overview Seminar
How to develop a community engagement strategy for any planning scenario

Local authorities, developers, landowners and community groups are increasingly involving local people in planning and development issues.

But what is the best way of going about it?

How does one choose between the bewildering range of approaches?

This training seminar provides an overview of the range of methods available and equips participants with the ability to devise a community planning strategy for their own situation. It is designed for both professionals and non-professionals and can be used purely as a training exercise or ‘for real’ as a process planning session for a specific project or neighbourhood.

Seminar facilitator, Nick Wates, is an experienced trainer and the author of the first comprehensive international handbook on the subject: Community Planning; how people can shape their cities, towns and villages in any part of the world, published by Earthscan in March 2000 (Second Edition, Routledge, 2014).

Sample Programme

10.45 Registration and coffee
11.30Community Planning; an overview
Slide show by Nick Wates looking at the range of methods available and how they can be combined in a variety of ways to form a coherent community planning strategy for any development situation. Questions and general discussion.
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Design your own community planning strategy
Participants work both individually and in small groups devising the most suitable community planning strategy to suit either their own situation or an imaginary context. Presentation of strategies
15.30Tea and next steps
Informal discussion on conclusions to be drawn and on further information required by participants.

Community Planning Events Seminar

Events Seminar 
How to organise Collaborative Planning and Urban Design Events

Local authorities, developers, landowners and community groups are increasingly organizing events where all interested parties work creatively together to plan a future for their communities. Common event types include community planning weekends,  stakeholder participation days and charrettes. This class will help you to decide what kind of event would be suitable for any specific situation and take you through a step by step process for organizing a successful event. It is designed for both professionals and non-professionals and can be used purely as a training exercise or “for real.”

Seminar facilitator, Nick Wates, is an experienced trainer and the author of the first comprehensive international handbook on the subject: The Community Planning Event Manual; how to use collaborative planning and urban design events to improve your environment, published by Earthscan/Routledge in 2008.

Sample Programme

10.45 Registration and coffee
11.30Community Planning events; how to organise a successful one.
Slide show by Nick Wates looking at the benefits of organising events, the range of event types available and the steps involved in organising one. Questions and general discussion.
13.00 Lunch
14.15 Design your own community planning event
Participants work both individually and in small groups devising the most suitable community planning event to suit either their own situation or an imaginary context. Presentation of event plans.
15.30Tea and next steps
Informal discussion on conclusions to be drawn and on further information required by participants.

Community Planning Masterclass

How to engage stakeholders in planning, design and development. For professionals and non professionals in the public, private and voluntary/community sectors.

Led by Nick Wates of Nick Wates Associates, community planning consultants,

In association with

What you get

  • One-day session (10.00 to 16.15) with buffet lunch
  • Experience of setting up, running and taking part in a mock local engagement event
  • Illustrated presentation on key principles, methods and strategies for community engagement in planning
  • Experience of a team process for devising an engagement strategy for a real or imaginary situation.
  • Results online shortly after event
  • Knowledge of the wide range of resources, networks and support available.
  • Good networking opportunity
  • Certificate of attendance for Continuing Professional Development purposes.
  • Free RUDI membership for 3 months

What participants said about masterclasses

‘Brilliant scenario based workshops  – based on real, current issues faced by the participants.’
‘Stimulating, informative, entertaining’
‘Great opportunity to talk and exchange experiences.’
‘Learning outcomes brilliant.’
‘Gave positive impulse to be creative about future involvement processes.’
‘Really good day – everyone should attend.’

Who should attend

Community Development Officers
Community groups
Conservation officers
Developers Estate and Property Managers Landscape Architects
Park managers
Regeneration managers
Town Centre Managers
Urban Designers

Sample Programme

10.00Registration and coffee
10.30Welcome and Introductions
11.10Mock public engagement event
14.15Process planning workshop in groups
15.30Group presentations and discussion

Community Planning for Low Carbon Communities – Training Workshop

Training Workshop
How to engage stakeholders in the planning, design and development of Low Carbon Communities. For professionals and non professionals in the public, private and voluntary/community sectors.

Led by Mike Gibson and Nick Wates of Nick Wates Associates, community planning consultants.

In association with

What you get

  • One-day session (9.00 to 16.30 tbc) with buffet lunch
  • Illustrated presentation on key principles, methods and strategies for community engagement in planning
  • Illustrated presentation on the state of the art in Community Planning for Low Carbon Communities
  • Practical hands on experience of developing community engagement strategies for Low Carbon Communities (including a live example of the neighbourhood where the session is being held or an imaginery scenario of the participant’s choice).
  • Results online shortly after event
  • Knowledge of the wide range of resources, networks and support available.
  • Good networking opportunity
  • Certificate of attendance for Continuing Professional Development purposes.

 Download briefing note:
Community engagement in Low Carbon Communities – Why, how and when?

What recent participants have said

‘A great event and walk to open our eyes. As a local resident I was inspired by the excellent suggestions.’

‘Interesting content and organisation. Liked the personal attention.’

‘Really interesting approach. Involving local people worked really well and really brought the issues to life. I gained a lot from it.’

‘Innovative methodology – to develop a plan from
the participation point of view.’

‘Would like to see it tried by many groups in the city: residents, councillors, city officers….’

Who should attend

Community Development Officers
Community groups
Conservation Officers
Energy providers and energy generation companies
Green groups
Housing Developers
Landscape Architects
Neighbourhood Housing Officers
Park managers
Regeneration managers
Tenants’ and Residents’ Organisations
Urban Designers

Sample Programme

09.00Registration and coffee
Community Planning for Low Carbon Communities – why & how?
Workshop objectives, content and structure
Participant introductions
10.00Community Planning – an Overview
10.45Q & A
11.15Community Planning for Low Carbon Communities (LCCs)
Case studies of innovative, community-based initiatives and pilot projects
– Carbon Neutral New Neighbourhoods
– Eco-retrofitted Neighbourhoods
Government incentives
– Localism and the new Neighbourhood Plans
– Housing associations funded to promote LCCs
– The Green Deal – ‘free’ retrofitting for homeowners and tenants
Route map to Low Carbon Communities
– Effective ‘top down’ action by government to provide framework of policy and resources
– Bottom-up drive from Carbon Conscious Communities
12.00Q & A
12.15Local Neighbourhood or other Scenario Briefing
12.30Lunch and walk about local area (optional)
14.00Process planning workshop.
Develop a community engagement strategy for the eco-retrofitting of local area or other Low Carbon Scenario of participant’s choice – small group work
15.00Group presentations
16.00Lessons and next steps

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